Randomized Texture Tiling

A quick and cheap way to generate unique texture patterns on the fly.

Demo & source code

The pixel shader below is very simple and self-explanatory: it uses artist-defined tile size and a random seed to generate a procedural UV coordinates.

Sampling a texture using these UVs produces a continuous unique pattern.

Here’s the GLSL reference function that is used in this demo:

#define TILE_COUNT vec2(4, 4)   // hardcoded for the current texture
                                // 256x256 tile size, 1024x1024 texture, 4x4 tiles
vec2 getRandomizedTileUV(vec2 texCoord, float seed)
    vec2 tileID     = floor(texCoord * TILE_COUNT) / TILE_COUNT;
    vec2 randomTile = floor(vec2(rand(tileID.yx, seed), rand(tileID.xy, seed)) * TILE_COUNT) / TILE_COUNT;
    return texCoord - (tileID + randomTile);


Pattern texture: https://opengameart.org/content/free-tilling-textures-pack-38

Provided by Nobiax.
CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Public Domain Dedication
No Copyright
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works

Demo uses PocketGL: http://pocket.gl

This demo uses PocketGL
A fully customizable webgl shader sandbox to embed in your pages
Visit http://pocket.gl for the full documentation, examples and tutorials.